Bariatrics Obesity

  • Skip long waiting list and get your weight surgery loss reimbursed by the HSE
  • We provide nutritional help, both to prepare the body before surgery, and in the subsequent phases
  • Recover in the sunny Spain for FREE

Travel Abroad and the HSE will REFUND the cost of your surgery

Is Obesity Affecting Your Health and Well-being?

Obesity can lead to serious health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and reduced quality of life. If you are struggling with weight management and its associated health risks, bariatric surgery could be the life-changing solution you need.

Our Solution: Bariatric Surgery with Surgery Now

At Surgery Now, we offer expert bariatric surgery to help you achieve significant weight loss and improve your overall health. Our comprehensive approach ensures you receive the best care and support throughout your weight loss journey.

How Surgery Now Can Help You

Learn About Our Clients’ Experiences

Get your surgery done in 10 days from today!

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Are you eligible for a refund from the HSE when you access Surgery Abroad?

Fill the form or contact us today by email or by phone and we will gladly assist you!

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