
  • No need to wait months to restore your sight
  • 100% Refund from the HSE
  • Reduces blurred vision to help you see clearly again

Travel Abroad and the HSE will REFUND the cost of your surgery

Are Cataracts Clouding Your Vision?

Cataracts can cause blurry vision, glare, and difficulty seeing at night, significantly affecting your daily life. If you are experiencing these symptoms, cataract surgery may be the solution to restore your clear vision.

Our Solution: Cataract Surgery with Surgery Now

At Surgery Now, we offer state-of-the-art cataract surgery performed by leading ophthalmologists. Our comprehensive care ensures you receive top-quality treatment and support throughout your journey to better vision.

How Surgery Now Can Help You

Learn About Our Clients’ Experiences

Get your surgery done in 10 days from today!

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Are you eligible for a refund from the HSE when you access Surgery Abroad?

Fill the form or contact us today by email or by phone and we will gladly assist you!

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