For any type of Surgery; a healthy diet can get you back on your feet. 

After any type of surgery abroad, it is common for you to wonder how you can speed up your recovery process. Most people know that dancing in a Karaoke bar the day after spinal fusion is a bad idea. What can you do instead? 

Here at Surgery Now, we believe that aside from listening to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, you should commit to a healthier diet. The Mediterranean diet here in Spain is one that can help ensure a speedy and healthy recovery. 

Our consultant not only wants you to avoid fast food. Rather, they prefer to see you consume foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and protein after surgery to make sure your recovery runs smoothly. We also include the Spanish word for the food, why not learn some Spanish while you are recovering? 

1. Fish (Pescado)

We live on the Mediterranean coast, one of the most beautiful parts of the world. If you are looking for a way to meet your protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin intake for the day, the answer according to our professionals is fish. 

Delicious sardines, salmon, and other locally sourced fish are among the healthiest foods on the planet. Doctors speak of its endless benefits. Even if you are not getting over a recent surgery, fish can lower your risk of heart attacks and strokes, promote body and brain function, and encourage strong bone development.

The protein we find in fish will also help your bones and muscles rebuild after surgery while helping your immune system fight off potential infections. 

2. Avocados. (aguacate)

Do healthy fats exist? Our doctors here tell us that very much, yes! Avocados are loaded with healthy fats, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin B.

Avocados will also provide you with many health benefits because of their high level of antioxidants, such as lowering cholesterol levels and protecting your eyes. So many of our clients are here for cataract surgery abroad due to the long waiting lists back home. 

Avocados are known to increase energy levels and can help you feel like your normal self sooner. 

3. Sweet Potatoes (batatas)

Sweet potatoes, especially locally grown ones are a healthy source of vitamins, fibre, antioxidants, and nutrients. These wonderful alternatives to regular “spuds” are known to support healthy vision and gut health. Sweet potatoes can protect our bodies from chronic diseases.  

According to the doc, foods high in fibre are especially important to eat after surgery because they prevent constipation, which is a common complication after surgery.

4. Cheese. (queso)

Cheese is one of the most consumed food types in Spain. No wonder, it’s delicious. Even when we are feeling 100%, we need calcium in our daily food habits to promote strong bone development. Cheese, especially Spanish cheese, is a great source of calcium and can also lower your risk of heart disease. 

It is possible that your bone strength may decrease after surgery. This happens, so consuming cheese will help restore strong bone development.

5. Pineapple and Papaya (Piña y papaya)

The benefits of fruits are numerous. We’ll just concentrate here on the fact that swelling and bruising are not uncommon after surgery. 

Pineapple and papaya are known in Spain to reduce swelling and inflammation. These sweet, fresh pieces of healthiness contain protease enzymes that the body uses to digest proteins.

Consuming some pineapple and papaya after your surgery will help offset the swelling that may occur. Did we mention they are delicious? 

What Foods Should I Avoid After Surgery in Spain?

Unfortunately, it’s not all good news from your surgeon. You should, she advises, avoid foods that could abrupt the healing process, such as:

  • Spicy foods; Indian takeaways are to be avoided! 
  • Junk foods; We all love a BigMac, just not in the immediate time after surgery. 
  • Sugary foods; crisps, chocolate, and cakes are out. 
  • Soft drinks; Coke and Pepsi are out for a while! Maybe an “agua con gas” is a better idea!! 


Please remember to talk to your specialist once you are having your surgery in Spain as to how you too can improve your lifestyle and get back on your road to recovery as soon as possible! 

Surgery Now is the only team recommended by both the HSE and IMed private hospitals in Spain to help Irish clients to skip the lines and get their procedure done up to 2 years faster than in Ireland. 

Why not call us today to discuss more? 

Ice cream may not be recommended but it is the best-tasting food on a sunny day in Spain!