Irish clients can take advantage of the HSE’s support to have their treatment in Spain.

Committing to weight-loss surgery is a big step. In Ireland currently, there are delays of up to FOUR years to have treatment there. The HSE working with our dedicated Surgery Now team in Ireland and Spain will support and encourage you on your journey. We are not doctors, but we coordinate treatment in one of Europe’s finest private hospitals without the waiting lists or costs you’ll find in Ireland. Here are some services we offer:

  • Once you have spoken to a team member, we can set up a free consultation with our specialist on the process. We can also verify the costs and exactly how much will be refunded to you by the HSE. We can get you a short term loan from your local credit union while you are waiting for the funds to be refunded to you.
  • Our bariatric patient coordinator guides you through the process in Spain, including scheduling appointments, assessments etc.
  • We talk to you about the practicalities of coming to Spain to have surgery. Like any procedure, you’ll be nervous and we are here to ensure that your English speaking team puts your mind at ease. We explain accommodation options, flights, transfers from the airport and everything you need to know.
  • We keep your Irish GP and specialists up-to-date on your progress. We all work together to provide you with the best care in Spain. (albeit without the delays). Bariatric surgery is about more than just losing weight, as well you know. Other health issues associated with obesity, like high blood pressure, diabetes and sleep apnea can become a thing of the past. Why wait?
  • We at Surgery Now provide our clients with a supportive environment before, during and after their surgery. Remember, we do not charge patients anything and airport transfers, translations and general hand-holding are provided free of charge while being supported by the HSE. We, in Spain and Ireland, help you to stay focused on the path to a new life, concentrating on physical, mental and emotional well-being.
  • Along with our bariatric consultants, we are devoted to our patients. We are invested in their futures, striving to give medical guidance and compassionate emotional support. This care stretches from pre-surgery to long after the procedure. Weight loss surgery is a lifelong commitment, not a quick fix. We hope you can find peace of mind knowing that comprehensive follow-up care is always here for you.

Through the HSE and Surgery Now, we can offer you a chance for a fresh start, renewed confidence and hope for a healthier life.

Did you know that in the year before Covid really clogged up the waiting lists in Ireland, the INMO or Irish Nurse and Midwives Organisation claimed that 120,000 patients were forced to wait in emergency wards?

It is generally believed that 2019, before the chaos of Covid, was the worst year on record for Irish hospitals. Now, with the world still nervous as we emerge post-Covid, Weight-loss surgery is not a priority. What a shame that a procedure that has been performed successfully for more than 65 years, helping millions of people is so hard to access.

There is hope. Through Surgery Now you can have bariatric surgery in Spain, skip the waiting list and begin a new quality of life.

At surgery Now we are not doctors, we simply connect Irish patients to some of the very best medical care in Europe.

You might be a candidate for up to weight loss surgery if:

  • You are at least 18 years old:
  • Your BMI* is between 35 and 39 with at least one associated serious medical condition (hypertension, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnoea, polycystic ovarian syndrome, osteoarthritis).
  • Or, you have suffer from one of these conditions:
    • Moderate but controlled obesity related psychological symptoms (depression, eating disorder, anxiety disorder)
    • Moderate functional limitations in daily activities.
  • If you have a BMI of 40 or greater, underlying conditions are not necessary.
  • You have attempted to lose weight through diet and exercise, behavioural changes and other methods with short-term success.
  • You struggle with an obesity-related condition like sleep apnea.
  • You do not drink alcohol in excess
  • You are psychologically prepared for weight loss surgery.
  • You are aware of the commitment it takes to adhere to a new lifestyle.

A few Frequently Asked Questions regarding Bariatric care in Spain.

  • Why consider weight loss surgery in Spain?
  • When diet and exercise alone have proven unsuccessful, your GP in Ireland may suggest that weight loss surgery is the most effective method. Bariatric surgery carried out in Spain enables patients to lose significant weight. Most patients maintain that loss long-term. Surgery reduces the risks of life-threatening conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.
  • Why Spain? Simply, the lines are too long in Ireland. We know of clients who are waiting up to 4 years to get a treatment that they can have in Spain in a fraction of the time. Years ago the best surgeons were going to Ireland to work for the HSE. Now they are back here. Rising costs of living in Ireland means you now need to come here to avail of this wonderful care.
  • Does exercise not work? If you are 50 to 100% over your ideal body weight, diet and exercise alone only have a 5% success rate for long-term weight loss, statistically. The program, for qualified candidates, is proven to help you succeed at weight loss and live a healthier, more active life.
  • Is bariatric surgery the right choice for you? This is not for us to say, we are not doctors. We simply introduce you to some of Europe’s top professionals who will work with your health care provider in Ireland to tell us the answer. Undergoing weight loss surgery isn’t a decision you should take lightly. In fact, you need many opinions before you decide. From experience with clients in Spain, we know that you must be committed to lifestyle changes to be successful. That can achieve significant weight loss and experience better health, greater mobility and improved confidence.
  • How much weight can you expect to lose? Although final weight loss depends on many factors, including your starting weight, your current health and your commitment to lifestyle changes, we can say that with motivation and commitment, you too can achieve and maintain substantial weight loss.
  • What if surgery doesn’t work? Our dedicated bariatric program in Spain is proven to work if you are committed to the plan. The team working with your Irish GP will physically and emotionally prepare you for lifestyle changes before and after surgery. They tell our clients that they don’t just give you a new body. We also combine a realistic and sustainable list of lifestyle goals.
  • How long will I be in the hospital? Weight loss surgery in Spain typically requires you to spend at least one night in the hospital. Don’t worry, we’ll be here to ensure everything is being done to make you comfortable. The length of your stay will depend on the type of procedure you have and your recovery. Many clients want to stay an extra week or two as they get their heads around the new life they have just created for themselves.
  • Will I have a scar? Most patients have minimally-invasive surgery, such as laparoscopy, performed through one or several quarter-inch incisions in the abdomen. Generally, scars fade and become very faint over time. Some patient-specific risks still require the use of standard open surgery, however. We are not qualified to answer the question, but the team certainly is. You’ll talk to them before you commit to the surgery.
  • If my surgery is not covered by the HSE, can I self-pay? Yes. But first, we are very confident that the cost or at least the majority of your expenses will be covered by the Irish government. Please call Liam or any team member and he’ll explain more about the simplicity of getting a refund through the HSE. We cannot guarantee you a refund until we speak to you, but the scheme is there for clients just like you.
  • For more information, please get in touch with us.

Life After Weight-loss Surgery in Spain.

Weight loss procedures are most effective when committing to lifestyle changes. These include regular exercise and a new, healthier eating plan. You’ll meet a dietician and a psychologist, as well as your surgery team. Together, they will help you maximise your weight loss and work to keep the weight off long-term.

Life after bariatric surgery is usually both exciting and challenging for our Irish patients. The keys to your long-term success are your participation in the process and commitment to lifestyle changes. Our qualified team is here to guide you and to help increase the likelihood you will achieve your goals.

Short-Term changes.

  • Weight loss surgery in Spain typically requires you to spend at least one night in the hospital. The length of your stay in Spain will depend on the type of procedure you have and your recovery. We’ve covered this above.
  • After your surgery, you will receive specific instructions for nutrition and healthy activity. It is likely that you will be on a liquid diet for a few days. (to a few weeks). You’ll then begin slowly adding in soft and pureed foods before returning to more regular food.
  • According to the experts, you should be able to return to your routine in just a few weeks. Incredibly, the doctors feel that recovering in the sunny Spanish climate helps our clients to get back on their feet more quickly.
  • Our clients continue to have follow-up visits with our team for guidance on diet and exercise.
  • All our clients are encouraged to attend support group meetings to gain insight /inspiration from other weight loss surgery patients.

What to expect Long-Term?

Weight loss procedures are not a cure for obesity. Bariatric surgery is a tool to obtain significant weight loss. To even begin the process, you must be willing to change your lifestyle permanently. The team wants to know that you are adopting new eating and exercise habits. Daily exercise and eating smaller, healthier portions of food help the weight disappear and are essential to keeping it off long-term.

Perhaps food has been a central focus of social activities and interactions in your life? Now, you will need to develop new interests, maybe even new friendships, that do not revolve around eating. Just the idea of trying new activities and types of exercise inspires our successful clients, despite the nervousness. It helps them to resist the temptation to be sedentary.

Life after surgery can be exciting and challenging, creating trepidation and exhilaration all at the same time. We’re a team, your GP, Surgeon, Surgery Now the HSE and you; we all want the same thing, success for you.

New behaviours that can help your chances of success could include:

  • A healthy diet packed with protein and vegetables, low in carbohydrates and sugars.
  • Low-intensity exercise, 30 minutes every day.
  • Delaying pregnancy plans for 12 to 18 months.
  • Medication, prescribed by your local doctor, to prevent digestive tract ulcers and gallstones.
  • Vitamins and supplements to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

Here at Surgery Now we help to match Irish clients who are preapproved to have bariatric surgery with some of the very best Surgeons in Europe. Our clients want to act NOW, not be forced to wait for 2, 3 or even 4 years for treatment. This is not a quick fix, but you can start the process in Ireland and we can help with everything else, including assessment, pre-surgery care, booking your trip to Spain, accommodating your family/friends if required, follow-ups and most importantly organising a refund as part of the Cross Border Scheme that is available to all Irish people on waiting lists. Ours is a completely free service, we just ask that you tell anyone else you know about the opportunities we are currently presenting Irish clients with!

Are you qualified? Why not get in touch and find out?