Many people feel helpless but now you can take practical, real help.
Under a scheme operated by the HSE, the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive, patients in the Republic of Ireland waiting for procedures are fully entitled to avail of treatment in Spain. The standard of medical care in Spain is widely considered to be “five stars”.
You can help get your friend or family member over to Spain and in front of a consultant in DAYS rather than YEARS!
How big is the problem of waiting lists in Ireland?
Professor Rónán Collins, a consultant physician in geriatric and stroke medicine tells us waiting times in Ireland are now “frightening”. Dr Collins from Tallaght Hospital said that the growing population of older people, the Covid pandemic and increased demand on the HSE are to blame.
“The Department of Health’s task force to tackle waiting lists is nothing more than a bandage on top of a “significant problem,” he told RTE news.
There is no clear solution in Ireland and that is why surgery abroad is becoming an option for thousands of Irish patients.
Dr Collins went on, “we must put our healthcare service on a sustainable footing. We need to meet the needs of the Irish population and we are very far away from that.”
An ESRI report in 2018 on the issue said that hospitals do not have enough beds or staff.
Darren O’Rourke, Sinn Féin TD for Meath East, Labour Senator Annie Hoey, Martin Heydon, Fine Gael TD for Kildare South and other TDs recently expressed their concern.
During the two years of the Covid pandemic, outpatient waiting lists grew by 100,000 people or just under 20%. Inpatient cases rose by 9,000 and endoscopy waiting lists increased by 47% or 10,000 people. These figures are directly from Paul Reid the CEO of the HSE.
Mr Reid told the Oireachtas Committee on Health in Ireland that demand continues to exceed capacity. Patients, he said, are waiting too long to be seen. That is where you can help.
If you or a loved one need medical treatment but are faced with a long wait, there is a way to access a speedy quality healthcare service.
Operated by the HSE, the cross border directive or CBD, allows patients waiting for procedures in the Republic of Ireland to come to Spain and have their treatment here.
Better still the HSE pays for it! The service of Surgery now is Totally FREE to the patient. Totally Free!
Surgery now is the only Irish company operating in both countries helping to get Irish people on the first flight to Spain, while taking the first real step to becoming pain-free.
The cross border directive covers almost any treatment that is provided under the HSE in Ireland. (not covered is organ transplant and long term residential care).
We introduced the scheme at the “Seniors live” show in the RDS, Dublin back in April 2022. We spoke to hundreds of potential patients in the RDS and they couldn’t believe it.
Literally, they didn’t believe it. It is all “too good to be true” was the reply we received too often.
Once we got across that hurdle and explained the HSE is backing the scheme, the other objections were along these lines;
- Spain is too far away.
- I don’t speak Spanish.
- My family member needs to travel.
- How do I know you’ll really take care of everything in Spain?
We are already helping hundreds of Irish people in Spain to become pain-free so we know how to fix any issue or deal with any objections. The majority of our patients are either older or sicker (naturally) than the general population so they are sceptical.

Eric Knowles from the antique Roadshow viewing the Surgery Now stand in Dublin this weekend.
Family members can spread the word.
Our plan now is to speak to the family members. We think that if we convince you that it’s legit, above board and supported by the HSE, then you can convince them. You may even want to travel to Spain with your family member to give them that extra security? We’ll help you and in some cases even contribute towards your accommodation costs.
We take care of everything on both sides of the procedure. We work with the HSE to make sure the paperwork is filled out and your family member’s GP is happy to proceed. We even work with the Credit Unions in Ireland for clients who need finance. We also have a finance company in Spain, Medical Finance abroad, who take care of the initial costs, before being refunded by the HSE.
We liaise with the consultants in Spain, your local GP, physiotherapists, psychologists etc. Really there is very little difference in the procedure between you going to Dublin from Galway or Cork for an operation as there is coming to Spain for the same level of care. Once you get over to Spain we take care of every aspect of the trip. We book your hotel, transfers to and from the airport and of course we hold your friend/family member’s hand in the hospital. (sometimes quite literally!).
Are Irish people already booked to come to Spain for surgery abroad?
The result is that we have hundreds of happy Irish patients who skipped the long lines in Ireland. Many of them are willing and ready to speak to your family members to explain how easy the process is. Again, we need your help here to set up a FaceTime meeting or a whats-app call so that it becomes obvious this is not some sort of a scam. Previous recipients of Surgery Now care in Spain are so happy they will even meet you and your patient in person where possible. There is no selling involved, they are just sharing their experience, totally free of charge.
If you know of anyone who can benefit from the services or Surgery Now, please get in touch. We’ll explain exactly how it all works to you. If you can arrange a chat with us and your loved one, well then the deal becomes very easy.
We are not salespeople. Our service speaks for itself but if you are convinced it’s real, government-supported and about to become very popular, then convincing your family member too will be simple. There are no fancy sales tricks.
We just feel that we are not doing our job until everyone on a waiting list in Ireland, young and old, big or small knows how simple it is to have Surgery Now in Spain.
Speak to Liam or Noel today. Let us help you to get your friend or family member off the pain treadmill.
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